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Spot it, report it, protect it

Company: South West Water


If​ there's a pollution incident, it's important for action to be taken straight away. Raising awareness about what is a pollution incident, who people can report it to and how, are fundamental in helping to protect our environment. 

Outcome: Created a new campaign which was used on all materials - spot it, report it, protect it. Having a recognisable and stand-alone campaign aimed to raise awareness and consistency for the message and required action to support behavioural shift. I also created all the artwork for signage, posters, stickers etc. which was used at sites across the South West. Alongside the outdoor activity, there's been social media advert campaigns, newspaper adverts, and the website experience (navigation) was improved. In the first year of the campaign, online reporting increased significantly.

Year: 2020 - ongoing. I worked on this project whilst employed at Pennon Group Plc, the parent company, the intellectual property of this project belongs to Pennon Group Plc.

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